Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ok, it's been over a week since I last posted something. I've been buzzing ever since I visited Titmouse.

So now we must move on with other things that interest me. And that would be dinosaurs. Dinosaurs and ultra-fps violence. Dinosaurs, ultra-fps violence and videogames. Who can mix these things into a cocktail of bullets and gore and ancient monsters?


Sorry about the age verification. Just put in 1980 for the year and you should be fine. Damn kids.

I'm am in constant awe of how far videogames have come since my childhood days of Atari, Colecovision and Nintendo.

So Much Potential!

Forget Halo. As much as I like Halo. There are plenty of games that look better. I know, some of you have a hardon for Master Chief. Good for you. But, this has dinosaurs!! DINOSAURS DAMMIT!!!!

This is looking to be a great experience. Running around shooting dudes and giant lizards. So much better than running around shooting dudes and hostile aliens.

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