I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for his guidance through another disgusting and disappointing x-mas. Growing up in America has made me jaded and bitter towards the ghastly consumerist nature that became of x-mas. But enough of that....

Now we have 2008 to look forward too and I hope it gets better. But from jugding the way 2007 turned out, the future isn't lookin' so bright. Cracked.com has a great article/list that summed up my contempt for the year that was 2007......
Ok. Now that my half-assed rant about that is over, here's something completely different. A couple of vids from Collegehumor.com...which apparently are too big for my blog, (I dunno how to edit html) so here's the youtube equivalent.
Hardest Game Ever
Asshole Mario Stage 1
I think after the first 5 deaths my controller would be sticking out of a smoldering hole in my tv. Oh those wacky Japanese and their Mario World hacks. Obviously the work of someone with too much time on his hands.
Chocolate Bunny
Hauntingly beautiful. One of my fav vids of the last few months. Strictly from an sadistic art-nerd point of view. hehe
Strange engineering/art project. I'm not sure if there's any practical use for it but it sure is cool.
I think I'll end this post with a movie trailer from Bizarro World.....
Scary Mary
Tune in tomorrow, it's Science Day! YAY! Hey...where you going? Come back!! Science is cool you bastards!!!
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