Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Mad Capsule Markets

I've said in previous posts that I like Japan. It's the only foreign country I want to visit before I shed this mortal coil. One Japanese export that I enjoy immensely is their music. I find their music to be more genuine than most of the crap that passes for popular music here in America.

One band that I got into years ago are The Mad Capsule Markets.

I forget where I first heard them. By sheer luck Best Buy carried what I believe is thier only American release.

One of my favorite albums: OSC-DIS (Oscillator in Distortion)

It's a shame they weren't more popular. They don't really have a defining genre. Songs on this album range from industrial, electronic, punk rock, rap rock, and even a surf tune. Which is all awsome.

This particular cd came with an extra disc with music videos off Osc-Dis and one from another album called Digidogheadlock.


Midi Surf

All The Time In Sunny Beach

This next vid is by far the best song I have ever heard from them and one of my all time favorite songs evar. Thank you to whoever invented music videos!


I'd like to get more of their albums, but Amazon has them listed as imports and are expensive as hell. Looks like I'll have to find them through bit torrent. lol

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spongebob Movie Classics

Here's a bit of awsome I found on This clip has the voice-cast of the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants redubbing a scene from the movies Casablanca, Singing in the Rain and The Godfather.

It's like Mystery Science Theater 3000. I could totally watch The Godfather with this dubbing. Or maybe even redub the b-movie horror flicks of the 50's. That would be, as the hip internet kids would say, "teh awsom."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


As some of you have probably noticed there is a music player on the side of my little page of webspace. SeeqPod is its name and playing music is its game.

This is a cool little widget for your website or blog or, blech god forbid, myspace or any of the other idiot social-network sites. Just search for whatever music or band you like and it'll give you a list of what's availiable. Totally customizable and whole songs. Not just little shitty clips. I'm sure the RIAA finds this illegal too as they seem to think that even remembering music in your head is illegal copyright infringement. Fuck the RIAA!!!

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Technology rules.