Thursday, October 23, 2008

Illusion of Movement with Don Hertzfeldt

I think I'll make these kinds of posts on a regular basis considering the eclectic and random nature of this blog and bring a little more structure of the site. I'm still gonna post the crazy shit I find on the net that interest me, now I'm gonna steer it in a certain direction.

Ok, with that out of the way, anyone who sorta reads what little I write on this blog before watching the videos with the bright, shiny colors and loud noises knows I'm a freak for cartoons and animation. I'd like to share with ya'll an animator I've known about for a long while now: Don Hertzfeldt. His animation and drawings are simple but still makes amazing and funny-as-hell animated shorts.

We'll start off with the Intermission shorts he did for the traveling Animation Show he did with Mike Judge a few years ago..

Welcome to the show...

Billy's Balloon

Ah, L'amour


Lily and Jim Pt.1

Lily and Jim Pt.2

Last but not least, we have the short that won him a little gold-man statue. It's so good I plunked down 20 bucks for the DVD and it's only a 9 minute film. :P


He's got 3 more shorts I haven't had the opportunity to see: The Meaning of Life and Everything Will Be OK. He's traveling the country right now with a show called "An Evening With Don Hertzfeldt" with his latest work "I Am So Proud Of You". The last show date is in Los Angeles on November 30th, I hope I can snag a couple of tickets, it'd be pretty awsome to see it on th big screen and maybe even meet the man behind these twisted visions.

Head over to his website, be a consumer whore and support him. I'm sure he'll appreciate it with a cute cartoon blood orgy.